Vectotron LLC d/b/a Green Up Studios Privacy Policy

Last Updated: February 1, 2024

At Vectotron LLC (the "Company" or "Green Up Studios" or the "Studio" or "Us" or "We") we are very serious about your privacy. We don't like being tracked online and to every extent possible we also try to extend that courtesy to our users. That is why we have built our games on privacy by design principles. In our analytics we do not collect any personally identifiable information. All analytics are collected anonymously and aggregated so that no one individual can be identified. No personal identifiers such as user ids or device ids are attached to the analytics that we collect.

In order to make better Services that more people enjoy we partner with third party service providers. For example, we use Amazon Web Services ("AWS") to host this website and to host the Nakama Game Server ("Nakama") that allows us to provide updated data for our games. Another example is that Nakama needs a database to store data and we use Cockroach Labs servers to facilitate that storage. We do not save personal data on these servers. Finally, we also use Unity Ads to provide contextual ads for our games. In this policy we have included a list of all third party partnerships and links to their privacy policies so that you can review them for yourself before using our services.

Why do you collect data?

In short we collect data in order to make our services better, provide those services and allow people to enjoy them. There are certain things we could not do without collecting data. For example anonymous gameplay data allows us to see how users are playing the game and make improvements where necessary. Even though we have indicated to Unity to not track any of our users they still need some data in order to serve ads.

OK, but what data do you collect and how do you use it?

We collect data that you provide to us through interaction with our Services or with our third-party service providers. We make every effort to make sure this data is anonymous. We don't care about tracking you. We want you to play our games not to be tracked by them.

In some limited cases we may collect email addresses when provided by a user of our service (like when you email us for support).

We do not intentionally collect any sensitive data such as religious affiliation, gender, race, or sexual orientation.

We do not intentionally collect first or last name, age, preferred language, or gender. However, one or more of these type of personal information may be unintentially collected, for example, when you contact us for support and provide your name as part of the support process. We will not store this information.

The analytics data we do collect is done so anonymously and in aggregate. How do we accomplish this? First we use a privacy first analytics service - Telemetry Deck which uses a double hashing technique to obscure any individual identifiers. However, we go one step further and don't provide any identifiers at all! Every signal sent to Telemtry Deck includes the same UserId and Session Id. Meaning that there is no way to link signals back to an individual because they are all recorded as coming from the same individual and session. We send the following signals to Telemetry Deck:

  • newUser - fired when a user uses the app for the first time on a device
  • newSession - fired when a new session is started by opening the app or coming back to the app when it has been in the background
  • gameRunning - fired when the game has been running for 30 consecutive seconds
  • dayNRetention - fired when a user opens the app on the Nth day after initial install

All of these signals also contain the following metadata (none of it personally identifiable):

  • userID - as previously mentioned this is the same ID for everyone and as such is not parsonal data
  • sessionId - same as above
  • receivedAt - time signal was received by the server rounded down to the nearest hour
  • appVersion - the version of our app that recorded the signal
  • isDebug - is this signal in debug mode - always going to be false for a production app
  • locale - the locale set on the device. Two digit language code followed by two digit country code. By example my phone is en-US.
  • operatingSystem - the operating system running on the device ex. iOS 17.2.1
  • modelName - the model of the device sending the signal e.g. IPhone14,3

Additionally, dayNRetention includes the Nth day in its metadata.

We may add additional signals in the future. Check back here to see a current list of signals we are collecting.

What about Ads?

Ads on our services are provided by third-party service providers. For our games, that provider is Unity Ads. Although we do not provide data directly to Unity Ads because their service is imbedded in our service they are able to collect data such as unique identifiers, IP Addresses and more. To view what data they collect please review their privacy policy linked below. We have asked Unity to treat all users of our service as children under the age of 13. This means that they will serve only contextual ads. The ad content is based on the content of the game. They still collect some data to provide this service. To view the data they collect for Ads that have been indicated for children under 13 please see Item 6 "Our Policies Concerning Children" under Unity's privacy policy linked below.

What about the children?

Our services are generally not intended for or directed at children under the age of 13 in the United States. However, we do not collect any personal data in our analytics and all ads are served as contextual ads. If you have any questions please contact us.

Third Party Privacy Policies

Provider Privacy Policy
Cockroach Labs, Inc.
Heroic Labs


Contact us with any questions you may have. We are always happy to help.

Vectotron LLC d/b/a Green Up Studios
408 Saint Lawrence Drive
Silver Spring, MD 20901